Your questions
If you’ve never spoken to a therapist before, or even if you have, you might have questions about what’s involved. Simply tap or click on the boxes below to read our answers to some of the questions we are asked most often. If your question isn’t answered here please do call on 0203 228 6747 or email us instead at
We have locations across the borough so shouldn’t be too far away if you prefer to attend in person. We also offer a large number of virtual and telephone appointments so you can attend from where ever fits with your schedule or you feel most comfortable.
We don’t do home visits, but we can provide support via our telephone or virtual sessions.
We keep all information confidential. You can choose if we tell your GP that you are receiving our services although we always share information about risk if we think you are at risk of harming yourself or somebody else.
If you would like more information about our privacy and data protection policies it can be found at
No. Unless you or someone else might be at risk of significant harm, we will not contact anyone about your care without your consent.
We have a number of therapists who speak languages other than English who we can sometimes match you with. If we cannot do this we will arrange to use an interpreter.
We also have a range of materials in a number of different languages.
We can use phone, text, email, and letter to contact you and will ask you which your preferred methods are when we first speak with you.
We’ll also make a note on the system if we’re allowed to leave messages for you on your phone and/or send letters to your home address. This is to ensure confidentiality.
We are available to adults who live in the borough of Lambeth or are registered with a GP in Lambeth. If you are under 18, talk to your GP to find the right service for you.
Our appointments are usually 9-5 and by telephone, virtual sessions, or in person at one of our sites. We do offer evening appointments up to 8pm Monday to Thursday, although in person appointments are limited.
Please let us know in advance if you have any mobility problems which could cause any difficulties in keeping your appointment. We will try to make arrangements to overcome them.
No. Anxiety and depression, including health anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety and phobias are only some of what we can help you with. We also offer support for those struggling with other difficulties such as traumatic memories, obsessions and compulsions, low self-esteem or living with a long term health condition.
Even if our service isn’t right for your problem, we’ll suggest alternative services that are more likely to meet your needs.

No. Lambeth Talking Therapies is a free NHS service although you have to live in the borough of Lambeth or be registered with a Lambeth GP to access the service.
We cannot take referrals from friends or relatives due to confidentiality. If you want to help someone access our service they can give permission for us to speak to you.
We also find therapy works best if the individual feels ready to seek help themselves. We suggest you direct them to this website so they can see what’s available.
If you need more information about the service email us at or call on 020 3228 6747
We have locations across the borough so shouldn’t be too far away if you prefer to attend in person. We also offer a large number of virtual and telephone appointments so you can attend from where ever fits with your schedule or you feel most comfortable.
We don’t do home visits, but we can provide support via our telephone or virtual sessions.
We keep all information confidential. You can choose if we tell your GP that you are receiving our services although we always share information about risk if we think you are at risk of harming yourself or somebody else.
If you would like more information about our privacy and data protection policies it can be found at
No. Unless you or someone else might be at risk of significant harm, we will not contact anyone about your care without your consent.
We have a number of therapists who speak languages other than English who we can sometimes match you with. If we cannot do this we will arrange to use an interpreter.
We also have a range of materials in a number of different languages.
We can use phone, text, email, and letter to contact you and will ask you which your preferred methods are when we first speak with you.
We’ll also make a note on the system if we’re allowed to leave messages for you on your phone and/or send letters to your home address. This is to ensure confidentiality.
We are available to adults who live in the borough of Lambeth or are registered with a GP in Lambeth. If you are under 18, talk to your GP to find the right service for you.
Our appointments are usually 9-5 and by telephone, virtual sessions, or in person at one of our sites. We do offer evening appointments up to 8pm Monday to Thursday, although in person appointments are limited.
Please let us know in advance if you have any mobility problems which could cause any difficulties in keeping your appointment. We will try to make arrangements to overcome them.
No. Lambeth Talking Therapies is a free NHS service although you have to live in the borough of Lambeth or be registered with a Lambeth GP to access the service.
We cannot take referrals from friends or relatives due to confidentiality. If you want to help someone access our service they can give permission for us to speak to you.
We also find therapy works best if the individual feels ready to seek help themselves. We suggest you direct them to this website so they can see what’s available.
If you need more information about the service email us at or call on 020 3228 6747
No. Anxiety and depression, including health anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety and phobias are only some of what we can help you with. We also offer support for those struggling with other difficulties such as traumatic memories, obsessions and compulsions, low self-esteem or living with a long term health condition.
Even if our service isn’t right for your problem, we’ll suggest alternative services that are more likely to meet your needs.